MCA HQ, 27 Dec-In view of the unprecedented flood crisis which has caused in excess of 120,000 residents in the East Coast states of Kelantan, Terengganu and Pahang, besides folks on the west coastal states of Kedah and Perlis to evacuate, MCA Youth today announced the launching of the “YouthCare” Movement to assist flood victims in aftermath relief works.
At a press conference convened at the MCA Headquarters this morning, MCA Youth chairman Senator Chong Sin Woon announced that “today we have 15 youth organisations gathered with MCA Youth to establish an effort entitled “Youth Care”, of which the 8 Major Chinese Associations too are taking part.”
The 15 organisations are:
1. 马青总团 (MCA National Youth)
2. 马来西亚宗乡青联合总会 (The Federation of Clans and Guilds Youth Association of Malaysia)
3. 马来西亚佛教青年总会 (Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia)
4. 马来西亚青年团结运动 (United Youth Movement of Malaysia)
5. 马来西亚大专青年协会 (Malaysia Young Graduates’ Society)
6. 马来西亚青年创业促进会 (Young Entrepreneur Association of Malaysia)
7. 马来西亚青年运动总会 (Young Malaysians Movement Malaysia)
8. 马来西亚吉隆坡文华国际青年商会 (Junior Chamber International Kuala Lumpur Malaysia)
9. 马来西亚基督教青年协会 (Malaysia Christian Youth Society)
10. 马来西亚中华大会堂总会青年团 (The youths from The Federation of Chinese Associations Malaysia)
11. 北方大学校友会 (Persatuan Alumni UUM)
12. 国大华裔毕业生联谊会 (Kelab Bekas Mahasiswa Cina UKM)
13. 雪隆刘关张赵古城会青年团 (Pemuda Persatuan Koo Seng KL& Selangor)
14. 马华总部职员体育会 (MCA HQ Staff Sports Club)
15. 优夫阿乐 (Youth Alert)
Sin Woon then explained that MCA Youth has two initiatives in view of the worsening flood situation in Kelantan and Terengganu where getting through eg road accessbility, communication have been broken.
“We received requests for help but we are aware that aid is difficult to reach the affected areas. We need helicopters and planes. The authorities are taking the appropriate actions eg by the police, army, fire brigade, National Security Council.”
“At this time, we don’t want to add to the burden of the areas hit with this calamity. So now we are preparing for the aftermath whereby when the victims return to their residential homes, there will be lots of cleaning up works required to be done,” Sin Woon elaborated.
Sin Woon who is also the MCA Education Consultative Committee Deputy Chairman informed that three main necessities are required eg 1)drinking water – mineral and bottled water 2)dried food eg biscuits and bread 3)cash to buy new equipment to help the victims.
“Those who feel difficulty in purchasing the goods buy can donate cash so that we can buy the supplies or Panadol or other suitable medications.”
MCA Youth has opened a website for those who would like to be with the Youth wing for aftermath works. They may register online at where volunteer youths may furnish their contact details.
Medical expertise needed on two-tier concerns
Sin Woon also appealed on the need for volunteer doctors and nurses. “Those who have experience in medical care are needed to accompany us to the affected areas as we are worried about the loss of property and lives.”
“The second tier worry is water born diseases like malaria because we do not have clean water. The floods have affected a major parts including dump yards. So even if we give food, it is difficult because the victims will have to cook. Hence, we need instant food, bread, drinking water and milk.”
Sin Woon then implored on all quartres to give their support. “We expect water to clear up in 5 days where the roads maybe accessible so that we can deliver these youths to help the victims.”
Generous Sponsors
2. 马来西亚宗乡青联合总会 (The Federation of Clans and Guilds Youth Association of Malaysia)
3. 马来西亚佛教青年总会 (Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia)
4. 马来西亚青年团结运动 (United Youth Movement of Malaysia)
5. 马来西亚大专青年协会 (Malaysia Young Graduates’ Society)
6. 马来西亚青年创业促进会 (Young Entrepreneur Association of Malaysia)
7. 马来西亚青年运动总会 (Young Malaysians Movement Malaysia)
8. 马来西亚吉隆坡文华国际青年商会 (Junior Chamber International Kuala Lumpur Malaysia)
9. 马来西亚基督教青年协会 (Malaysia Christian Youth Society)
10. 马来西亚中华大会堂总会青年团 (The youths from The Federation of Chinese Associations Malaysia)
11. 北方大学校友会 (Persatuan Alumni UUM)
12. 国大华裔毕业生联谊会 (Kelab Bekas Mahasiswa Cina UKM)
13. 雪隆刘关张赵古城会青年团 (Pemuda Persatuan Koo Seng KL& Selangor)
14. 马华总部职员体育会 (MCA HQ Staff Sports Club)
15. 优夫阿乐 (Youth Alert)
Sin Woon then explained that MCA Youth has two initiatives in view of the worsening flood situation in Kelantan and Terengganu where getting through eg road accessbility, communication have been broken.
“We received requests for help but we are aware that aid is difficult to reach the affected areas. We need helicopters and planes. The authorities are taking the appropriate actions eg by the police, army, fire brigade, National Security Council.”
“At this time, we don’t want to add to the burden of the areas hit with this calamity. So now we are preparing for the aftermath whereby when the victims return to their residential homes, there will be lots of cleaning up works required to be done,” Sin Woon elaborated.
Sin Woon who is also the MCA Education Consultative Committee Deputy Chairman informed that three main necessities are required eg 1)drinking water – mineral and bottled water 2)dried food eg biscuits and bread 3)cash to buy new equipment to help the victims.
“Those who feel difficulty in purchasing the goods buy can donate cash so that we can buy the supplies or Panadol or other suitable medications.”
MCA Youth has opened a website for those who would like to be with the Youth wing for aftermath works. They may register online at where volunteer youths may furnish their contact details.
Medical expertise needed on two-tier concerns
Sin Woon also appealed on the need for volunteer doctors and nurses. “Those who have experience in medical care are needed to accompany us to the affected areas as we are worried about the loss of property and lives.”
“The second tier worry is water born diseases like malaria because we do not have clean water. The floods have affected a major parts including dump yards. So even if we give food, it is difficult because the victims will have to cook. Hence, we need instant food, bread, drinking water and milk.”
Sin Woon then implored on all quartres to give their support. “We expect water to clear up in 5 days where the roads maybe accessible so that we can deliver these youths to help the victims.”
Generous Sponsors
Consumer goods companies have responded to MCA Youth’s call for contributions. “Yesterday we received donations from Julie’s biscuits, Mamee, Aik Cheong coffee. KK Mart donated 100 boxes of mineral water,” conveyed Sin Woon before adding the Youth wing’s hopes for more than 100 youths to join in this effort.
Meanwhile, he reminded would-be volunteers on the conditions to be expected in this relief effort. “We urge them to be really prepared to help flood aid victims as this is not a tour to snap photographs to be posted on Facebook.”
To another question, a representative from the 8 Chinese associations clarified that “different organisations have their state branches. They have started work relief works and are collecting resources. I urge all state branches, if they have collected resources, we will channel them to CRSM, because it is safer for that resources to use one channel to make (delivery) more effective.
To a question if Youth Care will dispatch the goods now or aftermath, Sin Woon replied that “now that we have collected all items, and since the roads are accessible, today we are packing two 3-tonne lorries to deliver goods to Gua Musang. Once we send there, it covers Kuala Krai.” He added that once Youth Care travels to the affected areas, the movement would also bring along the needed supplies, whilst focusing on public areas like hospitals and schools since the new school year will commence in just nine days’ time.
Cash or cheque donations maybe deposited into the CRSM HQ Bank Account:
Payee: CRSM HQ
Bank: Alliance Bank
A/C No: 1418-500-100-16611
Upon banking in, kindly fax the bank-in slip to fax: 03-2203 3859.
Cheques may also be sent to theMCA National Youth Secretariat located at the 7thfloor, Wisma MCA, 163 Jalan Ampang, 40450 Kuala Lumpur.
Donors are requested to write “Youth Care” at the back portion of the cheque as well as their name, contact number and address so that a receipt maybe issued. All donations raised will be channelled to the flood victims.
Inquiries maybe lodged with the MCA National Youth Secretariat at tel: 03-2203 3863 / 3864 / 3865 or the two MCA Youth contact persons are Sdri Nicole Wong (Tel: 016-326 9069), and Sean Tan (016-659 6888).
-MCA online-
Cheques may also be sent to theMCA National Youth Secretariat located at the 7thfloor, Wisma MCA, 163 Jalan Ampang, 40450 Kuala Lumpur.
Donors are requested to write “Youth Care” at the back portion of the cheque as well as their name, contact number and address so that a receipt maybe issued. All donations raised will be channelled to the flood victims.
Inquiries maybe lodged with the MCA National Youth Secretariat at tel: 03-2203 3863 / 3864 / 3865 or the two MCA Youth contact persons are Sdri Nicole Wong (Tel: 016-326 9069), and Sean Tan (016-659 6888).
-MCA online-